Malangali Sewing Room


Women supporting women is a common theme in Tanzania. The Rukwa Foundation has had success funding small women’s training centers for seamstresses that continue this theme.

After a small capital donation to purchase equipment, we found local elder women eager to train younger women in the fundamentals of tailoring. Once trained, these women go on to create supplemental income for their families. All done with a small capital investment and a dedicated grass-roots effort.


Sewing Room Visit

The sewing room at Malangali was funded by the Rukwa Foundation thanks to generous donation by the Germann family.

In this video, you will see the room, some of the beautiful creations, and the talented seamstresses working there. The two seated students were being trained by the older women from the parish when we arrived. It is important to remember that the need for this sewing room was brought to us by a small group of women in the parish. These smaller women-based organizations tend to be the most long-lasting and highest achieving projects we fund.
