Mwayze Parish Well


Mwayze is a small community Southwest of Sumbawanga. The center of the village is home to several thousand households, all of whom get their water from an open stream.

The quality of the water near Mwayze was terrible with high turbidity and obvious live-stock contamination. The Rukwa Foundation was made aware of this situation and partnered with the local parish to correct it. Luckily, there was a dependable water source near the parish house; but because it was over 120 meters deep, the development was beyond the means of the local community.

After a round of funding, coordination with local bore-drilling contractors, contract with plumbers, provided by the Diocesan center, and building support from the local community itself, the well was dedicated in October 2020. The wells final depth was 120 meters. It is served by a 2 Hp electric pump and produces well over 2,000 Liters per hour with onsite storage for 10,000 Liters. The attached water quality report from the local water authority attests to the quality of the wells production and the before and after pictures below should be enough to qualify how dire the situation was before the well was dedicated.

This water project is a classic example of how The Rukwa Foundation intends to have lasting impact.

The human capital, ingenuity, skill, and labor for this project were all provided by the local community and was relatively easy to organize. There are well-establish deep borehole drilling companies nearby in the main urban center of Mbeya. The local aquifers and potential water-sources are well known, and the communities know which potential sites create the most impact. On top of that, local building support, plumbers, and other contractors are ready and capable of supporting even large-scale water projects.  We intend to support more projects like the well at Mwayze.  
