2022 Grant Season Begins
At the January 2022 Rukwa Foundation Board meeting the Board was pleased to have several grants to consider. The board was happy to support the following projects:
Lab Equipment and STEM Supplies for the Kaengasa Seminary
Lab Equipment and STEM supplies for St Theresia’s Secondary School
Electrification funds for the Ipito Village Clinic
Remodeling funds for the Mwayze Pre-School
Funds to endow a needs based scholarship at the Katandala Vocational Tech School named in honor of Mr. Gabriel Lupasha, a great friend and advisor to the Board.
The Board would like to thank all the Grantees who so eloquently described their projects. The Board would also like to thank all of the early contributors who made this first grant season happen. In a small way, this simple grant cycle encapsulates the Foundation’s belief in bega kwa bega “shoulder to shoulder”; direct involvement in the communities of the Rukwa region. Check back next month to see these funds in action.