Mwayze District Water Supply Upgrade

Rukwa Foundation partners with Schmitz-Stifitungen and Dueteches Katholisches Blindenwerk to complete a major upgrade to a rural water system in Mwayze Parish

The water system near St Adolfius Parish in Mwayze was built in the early 1950’s. It serves three villages at central taps and provides clean drinking water to over 5000 households. The system was drawing water from a groundwater source that is exceptionally turbid during the rainy season making the system unsafe to drink during much of the year. A consortium of German firms had already coordinated to extend the system to reach a more productive year-round source. The project was undertaken in 2022 and the Rukwa Foundation came in at the end of the project to help with final connection costs. We are proud to be part of such a successful project and look forward to more collaboration with our German partners in the Rukwa region.
